Who decides what inquiries will be undertaken by the Law Commission?
In carrying out its functions the Commission may:
(a) receive and consider any proposals for the reform of the law that may be made or referred to it by any body or person including the Minister for Justice and Community Services;
(b) on its own initiative carry out such studies and research of a legal nature as it may consider necessary for carrying out its functions including research relating to other legal systems; and
(c) make proposals to the Minister for reforms in the law.
The Commission decides using objective criteria whether to undertake a particular inquiry that has been referred to it.
How can a proposal for reform be referred to the Law Commission?
Any member of the community, organisation or Government Ministry may propose that the Law Commission conduct an inquiry into an area of law. Proposals for reform can be made using the hard copy form below and are to be delivered to the Commission in person, by mail or by email to
- admin-lawcommission
- Enquiries
- Hits: 1509